Cplane problem/request

 From:  Michael Gibson
2270.5 In reply to 2270.4 
Hi Kevin - I think I understand what you mean.

But in MoI the Top, Front, and Right views are always set up to be a "plan" view of the grid that they are working on.

That grid can either be the world grid or the cplane grid (if you check "apply to all views" when setting the cplane) but there isn't any way to get a Top view with a non-plan (like slanted) view of the grid like it would be if the Top view remained world aligned but used the slanted Cplane for its grid.

Having the Top/Front/Right views always be a plan view kind of simplifes the UI and avoids problem areas like getting a degenerate edge-on view of a grid which could otherwise happen pretty easily if they did not stay plan.

It might be possible for me to expose a script method that would allow the Top view plane to be slanted, I'll give it a try and see.

Currently though there is another way you can get what you want here which is to use the 3D view instead.

If you go to Options / View, and set 3D view projection: Parallel , and then go to Options / View / 3D view angles and set all the view angles to 0, that will set up the 3D view to be the same as the Top view, except it does not re-orient when you change the CPlane, so that would allow you to draw on the slanted cplane from the same view as the Top view. I believe this will get the job done right now and it should be possible to set up a keyboard shortcut that will set the projection and angles with one keystroke, let me know if you want me to make up a script macro for that.

- Michael