Need Advice to make network more smooth

 From:  Michael Gibson
2264.6 In reply to 2264.1 
Hi Anis - if you shape is very symmetrical you may get a better result using Sweep than Network sometimes.

Network has to go through a refitting process to match a kind of synchronized set of curves through the given network. It can sometimes happen that the refitting can introduce small ripples in the final Network. It's unfortunately a tough problem to solve.

Sweep tends to be less prone to that.

I've attached a result here using Sweep instead:

Also some other things that you can do to try and smooth things out is to combine adjacent segments in a curve into single segments - that is done by turning on control points and selecting the point where 2 segments touch and deleting it. I did that in this case, and also I adjusted some points slightly.

In your original shape, note these 2 points here:

That is kind of a not very even distribution and that kind of subtle bunching can contribute to making very slight bumps or waves in the final output.

I adjusted those just very slightly up:

Those combined with using a sweep produced the result that I include here.

You may need to do this kind of subtle and slight point manipulation to help get smoother results, it can take some practice to get a good feel for how to fair points, but basically when you are drawing the curve be on the lookout for uneven type spacing. The points don't necessarily all have to be completely evenly spaced through the whole thing, but uneven spacing right near an area where the curve is changing shape, like where it is starting to bend in this case, that is something to be more focused on.

- Michael