Feature request and a few other questions

 From:  Michael Gibson
2249.10 In reply to 2249.9 
Hi Brian,

> The 24" inch screen is new for me--but it only accentuates
> the better workings of the layout option suggestions.

The problem is that works better for you on a 24" screen will appear weird to other users on a 19" screen.

Those users would perceive an odd slight shift of what is normally left aligned to the right, with no benefit to them... The result for those users is just negative with nothing gained.

That's the kind of problem that tends to happen if I try to totally optimize for just one certain screen size.

It's a tough problem, I kind of have to limit some things so that MoI is usable for people working on laptops or on screens without giant monitors.

> It was suggested a week or so ago that the option for
> having all the current basic things open at once would be good.

Yes, but once again it would be good for people with large monitors and cause problems for people who have smaller monitors.

I also described some of the other issues back then - filling up the whole side doesn't allow very well for expansion of new items in the future.

I would definitely like to make more options to make it easier to re-arrange the UI in the future!

But currently more modeling and 3D oriented tools are a much higher priority than that.

It would be cool if I could make everything happen all at once, and make advances in 3D modeling functions and in UI re-arrangement functions all at the same time. But I haven't figured out yet how to do more than 24 hours of work in a day, sorry! :)

- Michael