fillet "sweep/lofted" solid (beta nov 21)

 From:  manz
Hi Michael,

It has been mentioned before about problems attempting to fillet edges where the surface seams are slightly mis-aligned, but I am seeing some problem even when the seam appears to be aligned.

Very simple example:-

Sweep the rect on the 2 circle rails.

Then attempt to fillet one of the edges, in this example the top inner edge

The maximum fillet is between 0.4 and 0.5

I then create the solid using closed loft

When I attempt to fillet the same edge, the maximum fillet is between 1.7 and 1.8

I then create the solid using extruded booleand cyliders

The maximum fillet on that same edge is <8 as expected.

If I now go back to the first solid made from sweep, seperate the solid, and rotate the top surface so the seams are no longer aligned, then rejoin

I can then fillet that edge as expected.

- Steve

EDITED: 3 Aug 2009 by MANZ