properties workflow

 From:  BurrMan
2216.5 In reply to 2216.4 
MoI has a great workflow that I could not make better. It's obvious you dont just start sticking things in on a whim. It's been thought out.

The one shot radius is nice, just not what "I'M" used to. You could in theory acheive the same thing with an xyz value that auto fills all values the same as the first entered, but then lets the next values be changed. That would do both birds but just might not fit with the sleek interface.

So, open sphere and type 5 and the x y z values all fill 5, yet the "keep proportions" is off by default so when I hit tab and type 2.......squish!

Again it was just a whim thinking to spark the thinking, but it becomes more obvious that your not working on whims! Well thought out.

The flow of MoI is very smooth. The keyboard comment was refering to the auotcad or rhino type fields where you can call command and give parameters in one shot. Kindof like "Cyl 6 2 12,20 2 6 Enter" Bam! I agree this would be a good area for the community when these things open up.

Thanks for the time.