properties workflow

 From:  Michael Gibson
2216.2 In reply to 2216.1 
Hi Burr, that's actually been a major focus to kind of avoid doing that sort of "plop in default object" type thing because it tends to require more steps, rather than creating it at the desired spot and size right from the start. Also MoI is kind of shooting more for an overall feel of "drawing" with those particular tools.

One thing that you could do to get what you want there though would be to create a file with the "default sphere" in it, then set up a keyboard shortcut that does an import of that file.

For instance if you make a file with a sphere in it named c:\sphere.3dm, set up a keyboard shortcut that has this as the command:
Import c:\sphere.3dm

Then when you hit that key you'll get the "default sphere" pop into your model. It will actually be selected and ready to be modified.

So that system may work for you - you can set up any number of files with other "default" shapes in them as well and put those on other keys.

> Also, For sphere size properties, can we get the xyz dims
> right off the bat (along with the radius)

Yeah I was thinking about this a bit... Having that stuff all on the panel at the same time kind of felt clunky.

The other problem is what if you do a non-uniform edit of the xyz dims so that the object is no longer a sphere? What would I do with the Radius: value in that case?

- Michael