Watertight object?

 From:  WillBellJr
2206.5 In reply to 2206.4 
Hi, yes, I understood your problem of taking the cpu time to check, but I simplified my post by just saying that if you could figure out a message...

Sounds like where the use of a 2nd core would come in handy.

Reminds me of an article in (if I remember correctly) the Oct. issue of MSDN Magazine - the one that covered threading and parallel processing.

The author posited that in the past CPU cycles are considered >precious< and therefore a sin to WASTE.

Now with multiple cores, it's okay to do speculative processing (trying to GUESS the user's next operation) and if it's correct - use the results otherwise simply TOSS the results and start guessing at something else...

In other words, we can now afford to throw away processing since some of the cores will be sitting unused anyway...
