suggestion, Isolate command

 From:  WillBellJr
At first I was going to say I didn't like the proposed change but I see it's just moving things over to the right-click of the button so that's fine with me...

I can appreciate some folks not wanting seperate functions for depending on if the button is right or left clicked but I personally don't see that as a problem since I can appreciate Michael's need to conserve UI space.

The one thing I like that some of my apps have (3D-Coat, Silo and others) is a tool tip over each button when the cursor over it.

It really helps when you're new to the app. Later it can be switched off if desired to remove the reminders.

If MOI displayed a tip on the left/right functionality of the buttons (status bar or tooltip) that would help those who (like myself), also haven't fully read though the manual.
