Bug - Extrusion from planar curve don't cap

 From:  Michael Gibson
2194.9 In reply to 2194.8 
Hi PaQ,

> Btw can I really trust the object type panel about solids ?
> I remember having 'visualy' broken solids few days ago
> that was still listed as solid.

If it says "Solid", then you can be sure that there there are no open edges - that is that every edge in the model is joined to another edge.

But there are potentially other things that can be messed up in a model aside from unjoined edges, like if you have trim curves that have a self-intersection in them, like a small curly-cue loop like this:

Something like that is probably what is wrong when you see a weird visual display, the mesher isn't able to determine the inner/outer regions of that face properly when there is a loop like that.

Unfortunately doing a comprehensive test for things like loops and self-intersections (a surface can have a self-intersection fold in it in a similar way) is a rather time consuming operation so it isn't really feasible for me to attempt to do that level of analysis just on every click of the mouse.

Anyway, when it says "Solid" you can be sure that the topology is set up as a solid with all edges joined into a closed skin.

- Michael