Hi Pilou,
> Trivial question :)
> When I name
> Sphere = ob1
> Cube = ob2
> Selection ob1 + ob2 and name it = ob3
Just to clarify - when you select multiple objects and set the name, you are not creating a group, it is doing the same thing as if you selected each object individually and assigned them all the same name.
So on your 3rd step there there are no longer any names of "Sphere" or "Cube" present, they have been overwritten when you entered the new value of "ob3".
> Now when I select the Sphere only, Sphere's name is ob3,
> Cube's name only selected is ob3
Yes - since you set both of their names to ob3 in your 3rd step.
> How clear the group selection? (ungroup)
There was no group made... So nothing to ungroup, if you want to clear the selection click in an empty area or push escape.
> And seems the Undo to the start keeps the all group name ob3!
Yeah, undo is not working right with the properties that needs to be fixed.
> if I select all so ob3, when I clear the the name ob3
> Sphere and cube become Unnamed !!! seems must be ob1 and ob2 ;)
You then assigned them an empty name which is displayed in the UI as "unnamed".
It is an interesting idea to make a group by assigning the same name to a multiple selection, but I think that may cause some problems. I'm generally intending for grouping to work with a different mechanism than that, which will be part of the scene browser tree thing.
The name is just a descriptive tag that you can set on an object, assigning a name does not make it into a group.
> PS there is not yet a list ?...(arborescence)...
Not yet, Styles and colors are going to come first, then the scene tree after that.
There is still a lot of work left to do for this area, as I've mentioned before it will take a few betas before it is all complete.
Does that all make sense? Please let me know if any of that doesn't seem right.
- Michael