Fillets again

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
2148.14 In reply to 2148.13 
< Still looking for an cheap solution to make quick videos ...
there is Wink it's 100% free and you can make any tutorial as you want!
Generate Flash files
A little example :) (launch the file fomat .htm in your navigator) (seems mediafire have some trouble today ;)

And after with the free Converter online
you can make any format you want !
Here in format Quick time
I try to embed the result here so making some try :) be patient :)
I found some cool tools for create automatically the code of Embedded (Flash, Real, QuickTime, Wmv)

Here with SWF format and streaming result

and the Quicktime format ;) (some speedy because maybe I have forgotten a speed regulate at the conversion :D

EDITED: 12 Nov 2008 by PILOU