Trouble with Fillets

 From:  John (ENTANGLE)
Woah, thanks for the replys guys, this was fast. I thank you all for helping and offering your advice with this.

Michael, I now understand what you mean about the fillets. I just assumed it would work similar to loops in polygon models (how wrong was I?) I think your first method is what I am looking for. Do you think it's possible for me to "fake" the second lines fillet by using a loft? or would it be possible for me to fillet in certains areas where the surface doesn't go flat?

The second method also looks interesting, and I think I will put it to use on other objects needed for the full guitar. Thanks again.

Burrman, I actually like the result. The outer edges are nice and smooth, it's just the inner sections by the neck that bother me. Would you mind showing how you did it? I can't seem to get anything out of blend.