Meaningful Shortcut Keys Listing.

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
2134.43 In reply to 2134.42 
(You know how appreciative of your help that I am.)

The length of that response seems to highlight what I have been trying to convey!
Why should the average user of MoI have to even think about all that complexity?

I have printed out that post and will, hopefully!, make some sense of it overnight.

I am tearing my hair out------I hope the movie helps!

(I still can not get over that Z up only for doing a sweep on a Helix--that Michael intends to make more user friendly----- are some of the, to me, simple things that are still illogical in some of the MoI operations!)

ps. I am on the oxy bottle and having couple of bad days-----forgive me if I seem a bigger grump than usual. (Still/again/pita etc)
