Meaningful Shortcut Keys Listing.

 From:  BurrMan
2134.42 In reply to 2134.41 
There is nothing different with those scripts in the zip file. You already have all of those and use them. For instance. The light scripts are the same as the f1 f2 f3 f4 from the plug in gallery.

Lets seperate a couple of things first.

Without thinking of the plugin gallery......Here is a description of 2 things. A "Script" and a "Command"

a "script" is when you see Michael write one of those long custom things that do something specific that someone requested. Like "how do I change the light direction?" Michael wrote a script to do this:

script:var dir = moi.view.lightDirection; if ( dir.x == 1 && dir.y == 1 && dir.z == -1 ) { dir.set(1,1,-1); } else { dir.set(1,1,-1); } moi.view.lightDirection = dir;

A "command" is a more complicated operation bundled up into a single file. Most likely sevral lines of stuff like you see above in the script example. Petr wrote one called Nudge.js

The shortcut key is fully customizable for either of these. They are "whatever you want!"

This is done in MoI-options-shortcut keys. (I know you know this so follow here)

The difference is:
1. when you set a shortcut key for a "script", in the right side called command you have to type the big long script string michael posts in the forum.

2. When you set a shortcut key for a "command" the only thing you have to type in the right side is the name of the file. "Nudge"

What I provided is a way for you to put a "script" (the big long horrible looking thing that nobody understands) into a command that can be named anything you want! to type into that right side area of the shortcut editor.

Anytime a "shortcut key" is provided by me or petr it is only there for setup reasons. you can change it to whatever you want.

The "plugin Gallery" is a tool that is used to bypass all of this and work with whats called a GUI ( Graphical User Interface) All the code and shortcut key stuff is hidden inside of one file and you can just click on a picture to do what you want.

So just to answer specifically:
["From my Z key I get the Plugins Gallery which shows, I presume, the lights in your zip?"] YES

["A. Should that item be in the plugins list? The suggested key strokes do not work any way!"] NO, These are all duplicates of what you already have. They are just a means for you to name the command whatever you want.

["B. However, I presume those keystroke suggestions (by Petr?) would be the best ones to use (with the items in your list) as I guess he is trying to keep a non duplicating list of keystroke allocations."] The keystokes are totally customized by YOU! We all use whatever we like. You make your keystrokes anything you want without regard to what I may think. Does that make sense?

I will make a video that trys to clarify this as I can speak in my video.

To recap:
There are no new scripts in the files I sent you. Just a "method" to use your existing and future scripts. So the next time you see Michael post something cool for someone that you may want, say a script that makes "pudding", you can refer to this video and copy that script into a file and name it whatever you want, like "pudding.js" then refer to that file when you make a shortcut for the new script ( instead of having to type the big long ugly thing that he posts)

I just bought a new microphone today that I need to try out. I'll make a short demo later and post it for you to see what I mean.

Hang in there.