Fruit and Vegetables

 From:  speedy (AL2000)
Hi Michael and Friedns
This is an exercise that I have made approximately a year makes in occasion of Hallowin,
that I have sent to the Forum of the Tspline Program Plug-in of Rhino
The images that you see are renderizzate with Rhino Render
without the application of texture or bump-
This that you see and the resolution of the superfaces ones obtained,that they can be imported in moi from Rhino-
All the built of the shapes has been made in poligonal and translate in Ts-Surface-
For the realization of the organic shape, especially vegetables, as in this case , Plug-in Tspline it is a unparalleled instrument
I augur myself that in future this Plug-in it can in some way
it can be implemented in this program-
Sorry for my bad english
Image Attachments:
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Size: 121.7 KB, Downloaded: 23 times, Dimensions: 800x600px