Batch file conversion

 From:  naxos
Hello guys,

I'm trying to convert all igs files in a folder into fbx format...

So i've downloaded the last pack i've found, from Michael...

I've changed the BatchConvert.js to start ConvertFolder( 'c:\\test', 'igs' );
and i've changed 'obj' to 'fbx' into Convert.js...

When i start the cmd, i get a script error :
ReferenceError : Can't find variable : Enumerator... line 46...

here are my scripts :

BatchConvert.js :
// This is the script file that you would generate, put one line in
// for each file you want to convert.

#include "Convert.js"

//Convert( 'v:\\Oskab\\convert\\Angle haut 700 x 600.igs' );
//Convert( 'v:\\Oskab\\convert\\Angle haut 924 x 600.igs' );
//Convert( 'v:\\Oskab\\convert\\AR9 P Arr 696 x 376 x 3.igs' );

ConvertFolder( 'v:\\Oskab\\convert', 'igs' );

moi.exit( true ); // Pass true to suppress save changes prompt.

Convert.js :

function Convert( FileName )
var gd = moi.geometryDatabase;

// Open the file, set 2nd param to true to suppress any save changes prompt. FileName, true );

// Create the output file name by breaking off the file extension and adding 'fbx'.
var FBXFileName = FileName.substr( 0, FileName.lastIndexOf('.') + 1 ) + 'fbx';

// Save out to the output file, passing the option to suppress the UI. You
// add other options separated by semi-colons with no spaces. These
// options are available for controlling the meshing:
// (note: | denotes mutually exclusive options, for example for Output choose one
// of the given options, like Output=quads)
// NoUI=true
// Angle=12.0
// Output=ngons | quads | triangles
// MaxLength=0.0
// MaxLengthApplyTo=curved | planes | all
// MinLength=0.0
// AspectRatio=0.0
// Weld=true
// Display=shadedwithedges | shadednoedges | wireframe
// ExpandedDialog=false

gd.saveAs( FBXFileName, 'NoUI=true' );

// Let's clear out and suppress any save changes prompt again.
gd.fileNew( true );

function ConvertFolder( FolderName, FileExtensionToLoad )
// Convert all files within a given folder, that have the given file extension.
// For example, convert all .3dm files inside of the folder c:\test :
// ConvertFolder( 'c:\\test', '3dm' );

// Create the FileSystemObject to get access to files and folders.
var FSO = new ActiveXObject( 'Scripting.FileSystemObject' );
var Files = FSO.GetFolder( FolderName ).Files;

// Go through every file in the folder.
for ( var FilesEnum = new Enumerator(Files); !FilesEnum.atEnd(); FilesEnum.moveNext() )
var File = FilesEnum.item();
var FileName = File.Path;
var FileExtension = FSO.GetExtensionName( FileName );

// If the extension matches the kind we are converting, call Convert() on it.
if ( FileExtensionToLoad.toLowerCase() == FileExtension.toLowerCase() )
Convert( FileName )

Michael?... some help ?... thanks in advance...
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