Batch file conversion

 From:  Michael Gibson
2100.32 In reply to 2100.31 
Hi Micha,

> Do you have an idea what's wrong here?

I suspect something may not be right with your MOIConvert.cmd - make sure when you add the /showwindow parameter that it has a space character separating it from any other parameters. Otherwise if things are not separated by spaces they become glued together into one parameter.

So for instance a .cmd file with content like this should work (this is tested with my machine):
"c:\program files\MoI 2.0 beta Apr-12-2009\moi.exe" "c:\scripts\MOIConvert.js" /showwindow

If that is not what was going wrong, please show me exactly what content you have for your .cmd file.

> And other question to this topic - could it be possible, that an
> automatic reset of the views is done after a file is opened?

Yup, this is easy to add - modify your MOIConvert.js file to have a new line of code added with a call to moi.view.resetAll(), after the call to open(), like this:

// Open the file, set 2nd param to true to suppress any save changes prompt. FileName, true );


> An other poblem, but not so important - the display mesh
> show some artefacts at this opended Rhino sphere. Is it normal?

No, that is not supposed to happen. It looks like a bug, similar to one that I had thought was fixed up.

Does this happen to any sphere or only one in a particular location?

Can you please post the sphere so I can double check that? If that bug is still in there, it could possibly have an effect on exports in other situations so it would be good for me to take a look at it.

By the way, I think that now with this new release all the bugs you reported in that other thread should be fixed up - there were a few different ones like "Avoid smaller than" sometimes not working well and increasing polygon count when there were long skinny parts, aspect ratio not working well with that one surface with a pole, also incorrect normals on that same one with a pole also fixed, I think there was a triangle leak thing that was fixed (your Mesh#5 example), and also some quads that were split into triangles which will now stay as quads. Also one that had a flat plane with a couple of small spikes coming up from it. I don't think that there are any bugs left that you reported there. But I have not yet had a chance to add in new meshing parameters yet though.

- Michael