Batch file conversion

 From:  Michael Gibson
2100.29 In reply to 2100.26 
Hi Micha,

> It's like this script, but in the background should be
> visible the MOI interface for a visible control of the meshing.

I've updated the next v2 beta so that it will now be possible to make this work (to have the full UI displayed so you can see the viewports and mesh result while running the batchconvert.js script).

The way it works is you specify /showwindow as an additional command-line parameter for MoI.exe .

For example I have attached an updated LaunchMoIBatchConvert.cmd file that has this set in it.

Again this will work not in the existing Jan-19 current beta, but should work in the next released one. Hopefully it will not be too much longer before the next one is ready maybe something like a week but it is hard to say exactly.

Once the next beta is out, please let me know if you run into any problems with this new option.

- Michael