Hi Crusoe, thanks for posting the file.
> I can't believe that importing this is somehow easier than reading paths in SVG.
It isn't exactly - and actually MoI will not parse fully generic EPS files that contain more arbitrary postscript code, it will only handle ones that follow the same general subset structure as .AI files. But that tends to be a fairly common way for EPS files to be structured.
In this case if you do a search and replace of "curveto" with "c" and also "moveto" with "m", then this file can be opened with MoI.
One of the things that is a little different with EPS files is that they can often have the operators as different things than what are legal in AI, like I've seen the "c" operator done as "cv" or "ct" in different types of EPS files.
There was actualy some code in MoI's importer that wanted to use curveto and moveto as aliases for those operators as well, but it was busted because it would not get to it if the operator had more than 2 characters. It should be easy to fix this for the next beta.
- Michael