MoveTargetToObjects (Rhino)

 From:  Michael Gibson
2083.2 In reply to 2083.1 
Hi Nick,

> Is there a way to do MoveTargetToObjects in MoI?

Yes - use the Reset button at the bottom of a viewport here:

When you push that button, it will move the Target / Pivot point to the center of the selected objects. After that the 3D view rotation will pivot around those objects.

Also you can press it a second time to zoom to fit all objects instead of only the selected ones.

If you want to pivot around a very specific point other than the center point, you can set the pivot point to a particular spot by using the Area button on that same toolbar. It lets you pick a zoom window by the center point and then a rectangle around that, and the center point that you pick will become the pivot point.

- Michael