
 From:  BurrMan
2079.13 In reply to 2079.11 
I was kindof suggesting the ability to do "BOTH". As the fillet'r is now, "super finiky", if you dont do a proper curve it doesnt fillet. As a newcomer, this had me review what I have done, search the forum, read up on fillet. Danny on the other hand, has a good grasp of fillet, knows how to push it and what that entails, and how to fix the less than optimal results, he needs these to go through as you have done. As pertaining to the newb, he will now end up with this:

And wont know why or how to fix it.

Almost like a tolerance setting for the fillet. 100%=only fillet perfect scenario. 10%=throw surfaces all over the place and let the user cut, trim, move and join away! :)

Talk to you later.

EDITED: 19 Jun 2012 by BURRMAN