Requests &...from Pilou:)

 From:  Michael Gibson
207.37 In reply to 207.36 
> What about the "cracks" in general?
> Is just an visual effect due the screen definition & zoom

Cracks like you show there are usually a visual effect due to slightly different mesh structures being created.

It looks like you have two separate surfaces there - if you join them together into one single brep that has a shared edge, you shouldn't see a crack there anymore. That's because MoI will create the same mesh structure along shared edges.

> or model of Breps(Boundary Representation) volumes result are always "watertighness" in Moi?
> Is there an option for regulate that ?

Breps that have no "naked" edges are watertight - that is when every edge of every surface is joined to some other edge.

This makes it topologically "watertight".

If you have just individual surfaces that are positioned next to each other but not joined, that is not watertight because none of the algorithms in MoI have any knowledge that the surfaces are really supposed to be connected to each other.

> Whish list :)
> A "plan work-grid (or -view)" aligned by 3points (or by view) ?

In the future at some point I want to add some functionality like this for changing the working plane (which I call the "Construction plane"). But I don't think that this will be available for the initial V1 release though.

- Michael