Requests &...from Pilou:)

 From:  Michael Gibson
207.2 In reply to 207.1 
Hi Pilou, I hope you had some time to enjoy the ocean away from your computer! :)

> The view Bottom, Left, Back
> (you can make the appropriate rotate objects but it's some painful :)

I expect to have this eventually, but I'm not sure about V1 or not. Maybe. In another thread Paul had a good idea that maybe clicking on the view tab a second time could flip the view around, like maybe clicking "top" a second time would flip it to bottom. That sounds like it would work well.

> A work's color by object (when an object is some complex it's some helpful)
> (maybe a water color palett ?
> (of course layers...patience :)

:) Yes, I know this area needs work. But this one will be a while, dealing with object properties is just going to be a major area of UI, and major areas of UI are more difficult to do.

> A "close" surface curve (maybe it's a dream )

How do you mean? Can you show an example?

> An "Hiden function" with Undo (pleaaaase...:)
> When you have selected 12 patrt of objects' faces one by one for hide
> (or more) and make an error, you must reselect again ;)

This one I expect to do relatively soon, I think it will be in a batch of stuff along with image backgrounds and arrays that I will work on after the mesh stuff is completed. But I still have maybe two weeks of work left on the mesh stuff though, and everything else has been postponed until the mesh stuff is complete.

> Someone ask me: a "Start curve"+ an "End Curve" along a path ! (very useful !)

Can you describe this a little more, please?

> About "Sweep" for example : seems better to have the same numbers
> of control points for the rails !
> Is that normal?

It's not too unusual, because when aligning different curves together, often times the structures of the curves have to be combined, and when they have the same number of control points, they already have a matching structure, making it easier to combine them together. It's kind of like "morphing" if you have done that in animation packages.

But if you have a problem with a sweep where it is not working as you expect, please post a sample so I can keep track of it and work on it later. I expect to improve sweep before V1.

> Some precisions : What is the status of the "primitive solid"? (Cube, sphere, cylinder...
> Are they a "Volume" or a "surfacic" object?

They are a volume that is defined by the Boundary-Representation (B-Rep) method, where there is a connected, closed skin of surfaces that partition space into an inside region and an outside region. Having a concept of "inside" versus "outside" is what makes something a volume.

> And the Status of Moi ? Surfacic, Volumic, Solid (I suppose not:)

MoI is what is sometimes called a "hybrid" modeler, where you can have both surfaces and volumes/solids (do you consider a volume and a solid to be different things? I would categorize them as the same). All objects are made up of surfaces, and if the surfaces are joined together at their edges and form a fully closed skin, then that defines a solid object that has a volume.

MoI allows you to separate a volume into its "skin" and work on the skin as individual surfaces. Then later on you can join the skin back together to recreate the volume. So in this way you can work both with surfaces and with solids/volumes.

> Is it possible to give some stats about a "close" object? (volume, surface...)

It will be possible eventually, but I'm not planning on having this set up for the V1 release. Rhino could provide this information for you - get the Rhino evaluation and you should be able to open up your .3dm file in Rhino and use its tools to calculate volume, surface area, etc..

> An the number of memory avaible for work?

Have you been running low on memory? It seems like these days memory is so less expensive than it once was that you should really just have quite a lot of it and not really be in very much danger of running out like you used to be in years past. But if you really want to monitor your available memory, I'm sure you should be able to find some kind of utility program that would do it...

> Using MoI with an "old" prog (CadKey :) it's appear that the "IGES" format works
> fine when you make that MoI ---> CadKey : "Export" (Selected objects) and not
> MoI--->CadKey"Save as" (no specific objects selected) IGES file Format

Hmmm, that is strange. The only real difference I can see between Save As and Export, is that Save As will save out hidden objects to the IGES file as well. These objects are set with an IGES "blanked" attribute. I guess that it is possible that CadKey's importer does not deal with these "blanked" objects properly.

> Another thing (maybe a little bug:)
> When you save a file format Iges and if the name of this file
> yet exist in "3dm", you can't save it!
> (You must take a new name :)

I can't seem to repeat this problem over here. Here is what I'm doing - create a file c:\test.3dm. Open up this file, and then do a File/Save As, and type in c:\test.igs and push enter. This seems to generate the IGES file ok over here. Are you doing some different steps to see the bug?

> Ps Question : What is the normal process for "filet" this hemi sphere
> (the circular base) on a plane like in this file?

There are 2 different possibilities. One way is to have the plane and the hemisphere joined together at their common edge (the plane must have a hole cut in it for this). When it is configured like this, you can select the common edge and then fillet it (or in this case just select the whole object which will fillet all sharp common edges).

The other way is that the hemisphere and the plane must be individual separate objects, not joined together. If you have two individual surfaces, you can select each surface and then fillet those surfaces together. Note - this is with the surfaces selected, not edges. This type of surface/surface fillet is a slightly different operation than the edge fillet. It is similar, but the pieces will be left separate instead of joined together like with an edge fillet.

In this case you are probably running into the problem of having 2 separate (UN-joined) surfaces, and then selecting the edges. For an edge selection to work for fillet, the surfaces must be joined at the common edge, I think that is the difference that you are seeing. Please let me know if this needs additional explanation.

> Pss is it possible to have something for the max filet possible on a curve selected?

This may be difficult to do, it is a fairly complex calculation.

Thanks for all the feedback, Pilou!

- Michael