> Just an automatic function "close" some hole (s) in an object when you
> select the hole 's edges
> Seems quasi impossible :)
> Maybe by some "Sweeps" edges one by one :)
As Jonah mentioned, there is a NURBS tool called "Patch" or "N-sided Patch" which is usually used as a hole filling mechanism. MoI will have this eventually but I'm not sure exactly when.
But even that tool is more suited for filling an area that is rather smooth in shape, it is not good for filling in a very large area with very irregular shapes.
If you have a very large hole with irregular boundaries, there is just no single definition of what the shape of the surface should be in that area. So it is not really possible to have a completely automatic system to fill any gap, any more than it is possible to have a system to automatically create the initial model's shape from nothing.
Just in the same way that you create the initial shape by drawing curves and constructing surfaces, you also need to create the filling surface in the same way, you have to draw curves and define what type of shape you want to have in that area (just as you are suggesting with doing sweeps and such).
To automatically fill in something complex like you're showing would require a lot of "artifical intelligence" on the part of the software... This level of AI isn't going to be ready anytime soon! :)
- Michael