About SKP format

 From:  Michael Gibson
2058.3 In reply to 2058.1 
Hi Pilou, hi George,

Pilou - like George mentions SketchUp does not actually have curves, only stuff made of lines...

I suppose it is possible to do a conversion of curves in MoI into line segments into SketchUp.

However, just doing that for the regular case would probably cause a kind of a messy output, because it is common for models in MoI to have construction curves hanging around in addition to the edges of the built solids.

SketchUp is not really set up in a way that expects to have curves duplicated like that, it would probably cause some difficulty to eliminate those inside of SketchUp if I just exported them all along with the surface model.

Maybe what I could do is only export curves if you only have curves and no surfaces in your whole model, or if you are using the Export selected command and have explicitly selected some to export....

- Michael