why this?

 From:  Michael Gibson
2054.8 In reply to 2054.7 
Hi Rudy, no problem!

Getting the mirror slightly off can tend to cause a bunch of problems later on.

Sometimes the cause is not that the mirror line is off, but rather that the curve itself is slightly off the world axis. Any combination of the mirror line or the curve placement can make that happen.

When I get a chance to add some more kind of warning messages and error diagnostics, that one will probably be a good specific area for me to target first.

It can be sometimes difficult to add in comprehensive warning messages because it can take a lot of processing time to very thoroughly check everything for some conditions like self-intersections. But I think for curve endpoints the processing time would not be a problem and would probably catch the largest number of things.

It may be a while before I can focus on that area though. But there is another thing that is coming up shortly though that will probably help, which is this object properties panel that will give some information about the selected object. I'm hoping to set it up so that it will let you check at a glance whether a curve or surface model is actually closed or not. It can be hard to tell by just looking at the curve directly because you can't really see the little crossing-over ends like in this case without zooming in a fair bit.

- Michael