Simplify lines or arcs

 From:  Michael Gibson
2051.8 In reply to 2051.7 
Hi Paolo,

>> SimplifyCrv command

> Yes I forgot that,i have tried it but i doesn't give
> a great result
> The FitCurve command is much better

FitCrv is used for a much different purpose.

For example, starting with this polyline that has has spans made up of several colinear line segments (note the internal points):

SimplifyCrv produces this result:

FitCrv produces this result:

If you wanted to simplify the line structure to only get the minimal number of points and segments, but still keep the overall shape the same, that is what SimplifyCrv will do. FitCrv fits a new smooth curve through sampled points along that original curve and as you can see the result does not have any line segments in it anymore.

They are used for different situations.

- Michael