igs and stp import export

 From:  Michael Gibson
2047.12 In reply to 2047.11 
Hi Steve,

> Michael G, I could not get Alibre to see that test_circle.stp file
> at all. I tried various import options but nothing showed up
> on the display.

That one was a circle curve, when you mentioned circles previously I was thinking you were talking about a circle curve like you would draw with the Draw curve / Circles / Center command in MoI.

But from your example it looks like you are more interested in circles that are edges of solids.

For reading the curve into Alibre, I'm not sure how that works exactly, but you may need to do some command like "import sketch" or something like that to read curve data in (rather than solids).

Just one other test to make sure I understand what is happening, do you also get the same problem with the additional cylinder_test.stp attached here?

And can you create a minimal cylinder object like that (with nothing else) in Alibre and post that here for me to compare with?

I think that the STEP library that I am using does not have this function in it to write out circle entities instead of spline entities, so there may not be anything that I can do about that immediately. But I have sent an e-mail to the author of the step library to ask if he can include that function in the future.

- Michael