No Problem PaQ - I didn't happen to mention that was fixed with this new beta previously because it was a bit difficult to describe the actual bug in a short description.
Thanks for verifying that it is fixed in the new release!
It took a fair effort to track it down, it was one of the reasons it took a bit longer than expected to finish up the last beta.
I was pretty glad to have tracked it down and fixed it though, it was one of the very few lingering application infrastructure (rather than geometry library) bugs that was still hanging around.
The only other one that is still around in this category is a kind of extra scroll wheel jump that kind of seems to happen just occasionally when doing some viewport navigation and then clicking on a button on the side pane. But it is pretty rare and hard to repeat (and not really a very big problem even when it does happen) so I haven't been able to mount a very good attack on that one so far... :)
It is a pretty nice deal when the application infrastructure has such a low level of bugs like this, like having a slider get out of sync is nowhere near the level of frustration being afraid that the whole program is going to crash if you start poking around in some particular areas...
- Michael