Hot keys of Moi3D

 From:  Frenchy Pilou (PILOU)
204.6 In reply to 204.5 

Works fine! Whith that no need to make a Ctrl + z for erase a line !
And good result as we can see the result also on the Botom bar :)

Is it normal than a line is drawn and disapears at the end? I suppose yes :)

Have you plan the same for Angle between 3 points in the space?

Ps What is the language used?

Pss For the translation : is not possible to use something yet existant in the ui folder?
Else now we are obliged to translate in the Command Folder too !
(not very practical:)

Is beautiful that please without concept!
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EDITED: 7 Feb 2007 by PILOU