Hi Michael
I know this functionality does not exist in MoI and last time I used Rhino it doesn't exist either.
Once a surface is created, say a swept surface and then trimmed.
Is it technically possible to in some way let the user define how many points make up the surface. If there were less points it would be more artist friendly because there are two many at the moment to manipulate the surface unless you wanted to add a small detail to it. Or could something like 3DS Max's FFD modifiers be programmed into the software. That would then allow the user to manipulate the surface and kind of mould the shape they want. Just a thought anyway. I'm thinking if it had that functionality I could probably mould up the upper surface of the aircraft.
>That is not the only option available - you can also use Construct / Curve / Project to project a curve onto the surface,
>when you edit the surface you will see the projected curve update dynamically with your edits so that could be a
>more convenient system than what you describe here.
That is the answer I've been looking for. That will give me a kind of cross section tool that will allow me to see what shape I will get before I boolean. Hopefully this will also work on the point pulling exercise you showed for the tail section. If it does then I can now have another crack at this project.
Hi Burrman
Thanks for your post.
The reason I started this thread was at Michaels request. See post 20 of this thread http://moi3d.com/forum/index.php?webtag=MOI
He asked if I would show him some examples of the kind of things I was referring to. I decided it might be best to put all those examples in the one thread rather than scattered around the forum.
My agenda with this thread is as follows
1. Create an accurate looking F9F with nurbs and export a mesh out to 3DS Max for texturing and final artwork.
2. Learn more about MoI and Nurbs surfaces.
3. To show Michael some of the problems users face when modelling up difficult subjects which may help him (it may not) further develop the software.
~Kevin~ |