Modelling a Aircraft - F9F-5

 From:  kevjon
2036.45 In reply to 2036.41 
>I guess it seemed like you got jumped on. (seemed? :) )

>Passion is a great tool.

>you're not unwelcome. There are users here who HAVE worked with those "High End" tools you mention.

>I dont think your offending.

> Hope to read you around again. Good luck!


Not a problem, I don't feel jumped on or unwelcome.

All I am trying to say is that nurbs has not proven to be the appropriate tool for this particular project.

BTW. I work full time with Autocad 2d/3d (15 years) and Inventor (5 years) in the industrial design field and have also used Rhino before. I'm not a newcomer to solid/nurbs modelling.