Impressions, Requests, Info Seeking

 From:  kevjon
Hi Michael

I better clarify a few things
>Hi Kevin, sorry I missed part of your last message on the canopy thing (did you possibly edit in some more details after your initial post?)
I did, but I didn't worry too much about it as I doubt anybody could help me with this one, (see my response below).

>But basically if you want to get a perfectly flat side view profile, but if you want to get a perfectly flat side view profile that should be possible by cutting with a line in the >side view.

Yes that is the only way to approach the problem with nurbs it seems and I fully understand that. The problem that I have is that I'm trying to model the windscreen so it looks like the real aircraft (F9F Panther). That means the flat windscreen shape has to look correct compared to the real aircraft when viewed from the front as well as the side. If I simply cut a line though my existing surface my windshield shape does not look correct. I then have to try and figure out what shape my curves (that I two rail swept) need to be in order for the windscreen shape to look correct when I cut a line in the side view with a straight line. Also trying to figure out exactly where that staight line needs to be in the Z axis would be a trial and error process. This is a geometric puzzle. I hope my explaination makes sense to you and you understand why I was approaching the modelling of this object the way that I did originally. If I was modelling a fantasy spaceship or aircraft of course none of these things would matter.

I'll try and post up a better wingtip example for you as it will clarify better what I was talking about.