Impressions, Requests, Info Seeking

 From:  Michael Gibson
2031.23 In reply to 2031.22 
Hi Kevin, sorry I missed part of your last message on the canopy thing (did you possibly edit in some more details after your initial post?), I'll head back to that thread to see what was happening there. But basically if you want to get a perfectly flat side view profile, that should be possible by cutting with a line in the side view. That will generate a perfectly flat side profile a lot easier than any point pulling would. Maybe I don't understand what you want there.

> There was also a thread recently where a user was trying to
> create a curved surface on top of a guiter. That would be easy
> to solve with point pulling.

I guess I should have clarified a bit more - as you saw from some of solutions to that, there was some point manipulation happening but it was applied to curves first and once the curves were set up there were plenty of curved surfaces created there...

But first I'll see if I can understand what you were looking for on that windshield.

- Michael