After using a bit of MOI for a while I wanted to post some observations and I'm looking to be corrected or told it doesn't exist or that I'm just not conforming ;)
My leading request is a native 64bit version, but I'm sure it's been asked before.
1) The UI is simplistic which is good. However in this day and age it is uncommon to be restricted to a single layout. I'm looking for a way to enhance and modify the UI and I want to know if there is planned implementation of a layout builder or if there exists a way to develop one now? For example, as a minimalist I'd prefer just have textual buttons and because the modeling set is so succinct I'd prefer not having so many groups of commands (i.e. edit/view/select could be one box).
2) Enhanced GL settings. I would find it being advantageous for MOI to use the extended GL for additional lights, reflections and shadows.
3) Zebra striping: does MOI support this yet or any other surface analysis? Zebra striping would be a great initial addition.
4) The UI is very responsive and quite nice to have good feedback like when exporting a mesh with the live update.
5) Scene manager: I know it's coming but it's a very much needed tool to support assemblies from other CAD tools.
6) Pervasive Layering: a layering system where any feature can be layered.
1) A poly modeling technique showing through, but when I'm sculpting by editing points in the UI is there a way to 'paint' a selection of points rather than just picking?
1) Convert curve: to be able to convert a curve between through-points or control-points
Exporting & Importing:
1) Exporting to mesh is a painless operation, however one feature I'd like to see added is an input for target number of polys so you can set baselines for mesh quality.
2) Importing a feature dense IGES file from Pro/E was painless. However I did note some graphics issues where the interior surface was showing solid exterior lines.
Below is the UI comparison of Pro/ENGINEER and MOI of a dive suit hull we design and build. Specifically I wanted to note how clean the model reproduction is from IGES (not my preferred format) and also the export variations. Notice both were exporting to Wavefront but notice the archaic meshing Pro/E still uses. BLeh.