Text Height

 From:  Michael Gibson
2029.3 In reply to 2029.1 
Hi Danny, yes it should be in the current unit system, like 3.5 will make for a text height of 3.5mm if you have units set to mm.

But that sets the height for a full text cell including things like descenders. If you put in some characters with tails under them like y j g p q, in addition to upper case characters you should probably see the full height more clearly.

This seems to be the standard way that text height is measured for regular font things, like for instance if you set font height in Word to 72 pts (which is 1 inch), it behaves the same way where the height of just the upper case character is not 1 inch, it is the whole character cell including the descender part that is 1 inch high.

But I can see that maybe it would be more useful for MoI's kind of use to control the height of the "ascent" of the font instead of the standard whole font cell.

It is easy for me to switch it over to do that, do you think that would make sense?

- Michael