For Brian

 From:  Brian (BWTR)
1996.23 In reply to 1996.22 
"Burr's Brilliant Benefactions"

(If all else fails!)

Just some thoughts on the shortcuts, and adding to the principle of needing having a single source organisation! (I have printed cards of shortcuts of a whole lot of apps that came with 3D World magazine--MoI needs this "central point" universal logic!)

Shortcut P. Is this not obsolete with now having Alt+P--Pipe2?
Would it be better if it was for the "Sellect Closed Poly Surfaces" not on your list?

(there are lots I guess but these 2 were on my original list)
A shortcut for---AreaSelect
" ---Selects Solids (The one for checking booleans suitability)

You mentioned about the "Quick Split" command. Looking at it I have a feeling it is a bit "premature" --requiring maturing?

Hope I make sense.
