Michael I just tested it for you on a somewhat complex model.
I exported to FBX (ngon option) and imported into Max 9
For some reason all my materials in Max looks like the gamma has been turned up or self illuminated (is that the vertex normal shading ? )
>>>> edit: (i figured out what this is the ambient color of the environment panel needs to be set to black instead of mid gray which happens during fbx import).
I did get quite a few polygon errors around the boolean cutouts. It seems to have double polygons in this area with one the right way and another flipped.
The mesh generated also seems to have 3 times the amount vertex's it needs which can fixed in max by selecting all verts and weld (after setting your tolerancing factor accordingly).
Also the model comes in faceted so the user would have to apply smoothing groups inside max.
The ngon option makes for a neater mesh and will make uv mapping a lot easier when it comes time to break the model into pieces.