Sketchup SKP export

 From:  Greavesy (SPGREAVES)
1978.89 In reply to 1978.88 
Hi Michael,

Yes I do see the short edges get rendered when I zoom in but it makes the render look quite 'bitty' especially when you animate some sketchup scenes as detail appears and disappears.

There is a 'dropout length' specified for these sketchy styles when you build a style in Stylebuilder that is suposed to govern whether an attempt is made to render the edges or not. Also you can define a set of strokes 16px, 32px etc for the style. I'm going to try and create a custom style to see if it will render the smaller edges better without having to worry about them being polylines or having to weld them together.

I undestand the difficulty with duplicate polylines also. Maybe its worth a test if it doesn't take much effort and include it as an option - but as you've said, how do you decide which edges to chain together on export!

I haven't contacted the sketchup engineers yet - their front door isn't obvious to find, despite it being Google! Also, I don't expect I'll get the kind of service that you give. Very personable, very quick and very good! This isn't an MOI problem its a problem with how Sketchup handles imported meshes/geometry when rendering with these type of styles.

I'll keep trying a few things and update you if I have any luck. I do like that sketchy render look for concept stuff and artwork and haven't been that satisfied with C4D's Sketch and Toon or Rhino's Penguin. I'm going to look at Brazil for Rhino also as that has a toon feature. Perhaps you could include a sketchy renderer in MOI 3 then I wouldn't have to leave the confines of MOI ... now that would be great!

Anyway, once again thanks for you help, much appreciated!
