Sketchup SKP export

 From:  Michael Gibson
1978.82 In reply to 1978.81 
Hi Peter, I figure what I will do is if you have units set to cm or mm then I will switch to meters units instead, as that makes the cutoff size in SketchUp to be 0.0000254 units which is way way harder to hit than the 0.0254 size that you get with millimeters.

In addition to that I'll also try to add in a "hole collapsing" mechanism as well though, to try and seal off things that are just going to end up as holes otherwise.

I'll also add a switch to turn off the change to meters, at first this will go in the moi.ini file and if it comes up more often that people need to turn it on or off I'll add a checkbox in the Options dialog later.

- Michael