Hello everyone,
@Grendel, really cool ui work, your tree match really the MoI interface, nice job !
As a personal input, even of this tree is really cool, I'm also looking for a less intrusive layer system that allow quickly manage a scene without any extra input from the user. Most of the time I don't care about the part names, color etc ... all I need is to easy way to hide/show part of my model ... or work on a part and show an other as a wireframe background etc ...
Here's the horrible lw interface :P ... on the upper right corner you have the layer system ... it's really small, but it allows all what I'm talking about.
-Complete colored square = active layer
- Half colored square = inactive layer, were objets can't be edited, but are still visible (in wireframe by default, but other shade mode might be usefull)
- A little dot mean there is an objet inside de layer.
With a traditionnal combo of shift/crtl key, is quite easy to manage larger scene allready, even if there is no name for the layers ... the benefit is a really tiny layer bar.
Of course I can understand that a more elaborate tree is also needed ;)