> But, what I'm talking about is POINT snap. If a SINGLE point is
> selected, it should be able to snap to any other point.
Yes, I should be able to fix it up to do this eventually.
> A keyboard shortcut for CUT would be a welcome addition
It is possible to set this up on your own copy right now by using these steps:
First, close MoI, and then open the moi.ini file, which you can find here:
c:\documents and Settings\[your login name]\application data\moi\
Find the [Shortcut Keys] section, and add this entry (the stuff for Ctrl+X should all be one long line):
[Shortcut Keys]
Ctrl+X=script:var gd = moi.geometryDatabase; var objects = gd.getSelectedObjects().getTopLevelObjects(); gd.copyToClipboard( objects ); gd.removeObjects( objects );
This will enable Ctrl+X to do a cut for you.
You're the first person to comment on cut not being there... Eventually there will be some way to easily add something like this as a button so that you won't have to use the keyboard, but that won't be ready for V1 though.
> It would be nice to have Select > Curves and Select > Surfaces functions (again,
> to assist with the juggling of curves and objects while modeling.
This will come eventually as well. But not likely for V1 though.
> Perhaps, most conspicuous by its absence is a Network Surface command.
> I assume you are working on it since it is a cornerstone of NURBS modeling.
I'm not working on it currently right this moment, but it is something that I am going to try and complete for V1 though.
> It would be FAR, FAR better if they were wide and low instead of tall and narrow
> (as they are now).
How would you expect the wide and low buttons to look? It is difficult to make wide and low, and also incorporate both an icon and text.
re: Adobe Illustrator
I'm always amazed that they don't overhaul Illustrator to a greater extent.
In future versions I do want to explore adding more 2D illustration functionality to MoI, such as strokes and fills. But that is going to be a ways off.
- Michael