The best forum

 From:  Michael Gibson
1912.3 In reply to 1912.2 
Hi Paolo, some extra discussions and extra information is just inevitable in any kind of discussion forum.

A separate general discussion area is an interesting idea, but I think it will cause some other problems - having things split up into multiple sections makes it more difficult to post a topic since you have to decide where it will be, and then there gets to be additional discussion when people post to the wrong section...

I much prefer having things all in one section, that makes it much easier for someone to post because there is only one place to put the post, and browsing all the messages is much easier because you just go to one list to see all new messages. These are very significant benefits that I am hesitant to disrupt...

But we'll see... If there starts to be a significant trend with many messages that could clearly go in a different section then that could work out ok despite the problems. But I have not really seen that kind of a clear separation.

- Michael