StarWars Walker WIP

 From:  medi (MALD)
1907.6 In reply to 1907.4 
Hi jiro.

This is the first MOI model I've ever imported into Vue so I don't have much experience with this workflow at the moment.
With this particular model I found that I needed to export it from MOI as a lightwave object(.lwo) with Ngons selected.
I had previously tried exporting it as Quads and Triangles but I found I got small black facets along the bevelled top of the foot at render time with both these exported models.
Ngons export was the only one which properly rendered the foot bevels.
I don't know if this is a general problem or specific to this model.
I just imported the various parts of the MOI model into different layers in Vue e.g. Layer1 - foot, Layer 2 - lower leg etc.

Hope this info is of use to you.
