A couple simple suggestions for V2

 From:  Michael Gibson
1887.10 In reply to 1887.9 
Hi Len,

you wrote:

> It would be nice to be able to lock the zoom level of all 4
> windows together when working in a quad view.

For the next beta I've added a new "Link ortho views" option which will show up under Options / View / Rotate/Pan/Zoom options:

When this option is enabled, when you do any zooming or panning in one ortho view the remaining ones will automatically update to center in on the same spot and same zoom level.

By default this will not synchronize the 3D view though - the 3D view by default uses a perspective type display which handles zooming and the field of view in a very different manner than the Top/Front/Right views, and it just is not really possible to make its zoom scale exactly equal to the others because of the perspective foreshortening where objects that are far away will be smaller in the perspective view.

But if you turn off perspective for the 3D view (which is another new option for the next beta under Options / View) then that view will also synchronize with the others.

> Also, is it possible to put a switch in to orient the work area
> so Z is depth and Y is up?

I'll take a look... I'm not so sure about this one though it may require tinkering in too many places. But it may be possible to do a kind of superficial "display label" type change.

- Michael