Steam Mecanical Elephant - WIP

 From:  Michael Gibson
1846.34 In reply to 1846.33 
The textures are looking fantastic in the test, can't wait to see the whole thing done! :)

re: display speed - if you'd like to send me the model that is bogging down, I could try using it to do some profiling over here to try and narrow down what is causing the most slowdown. But I've actually done quite a lot of work on that already in v1. However maybe I'll see that there are some particular kinds of surfaces that are getting too heavily meshed and that might give me an idea on how to compensate for that.

One thing you might also try in addition to the meshing settings is to turn the hidden-line display off - the hidden lines display does a second pass through curves, so turning it off will reduce the amount of curve drawing by half.

- Michael