Steam Mecanical Elephant - WIP

 From:  tyglik
1846.16 In reply to 1846.8 
Hi Burr,

What do you mean by "super small"?
Currently, the default step for nudging is 1.0 unit. And there are two modifiers - small and large, e.g.

Nudge Left Small      this divides default value by 10 (then step is 0.1 unit).
Nudge Left Large      this multiplies default value by 10 (then step is 10 units).

You can change a default step to nudge by changing the 'dist' variable on the line 18 in your favorite Nudge.js file.

Yes, it is possible to modify the script to allow user to define the default step directly in the shortcut. To give it a try, download attached file, unzip it to the \command directory and set up a shortcut, for example:

Nudge Right 0.5

You can still use the modifiers like
Nudge Up Large 0.5
Although, I don't know why you do this when you can just write
Nudge Up 5.0

Note that it is necessary to keep a fixed numerical format (it doesn't matter if you use '.' or ',' as a decimal places separator though). So this will work:

and this won't
