Can MoI .3DM files go directly to SolidWorks and into CAM for tooling smoothed parts?

1789.24 In reply to 1789.23 
Just to show my gratitude to Michael about adding STEP & SAT file formats to the next release.
Especially ACIS SAT will be very helpfull for us in AEC business... for example The core of AutoCAD is based on the ACIS solids modeling kernel, so the ACIS .sat file format is a natural choice for exporting solids-based data with no loss in quality. Also supported by Autodesk's Inventor. Bentley's Microstation...

Mentionig that, are any plans for DWG OR DGN support? In my opinion that will make MOI a KILLER app.

And some cool news (Autodesk and Bentley will exchange software libraries, including Autodesk RealDWG)