Can MoI .3DM files go directly to SolidWorks and into CAM for tooling smoothed parts?

 From:  DannyT (DANTAS)
1789.11 In reply to 1789.9 
Hi Michael,

> But it helps speed things up a lot if you license a library that someone else wrote,
> which is what I did for this case. :) These will be using the HarmonyWare file translator libraries.

Had a quick look at HarmonyWare and there is a mention of Parasolid XT, do you think there would be a chance this would be part of MoI's translation set in the near future, we find Parasolids translate very nicely into most solids cad programs, clean, accurate and always a solid, there is no need to join(sew) the model faces again to produce a solid once translated, which is the case with IGES translations, where depending on the accuracy of the the model rebuilding faces is not unusual to get it to join properly to produce a true solid.
Another thing is the file size, for example a model exported as IGES will come out at 6Mb and the same model exported as a Parasolid would be 2.4Mb.

So is there a possibility ? :)
