recreating a rounded pyramid in moi.

 From:  Michael Gibson
1782.32 In reply to 1782.27 
Hi Telnoi,

> First time I used those tools :)

Basically Blend and Fillet are the only tools currently in MoI that focus on constructing things that match smoothly with surrounding surfaces.

In the future I definitely want to add more options to different commands to enforce smoothness (often this is called "continuity" in NURBS modelers).

Like in this case it would have been better to have a continuity option in Sweep so that the long skinny surfaces could just stay in place and a 2-rail sweep could be done from the fillet edge down to the point.

Eventually those things will come, they are kind of a more "low level" type NURBS modeling dealing with surfaces more directly instead of the "high level" solids type methods.

The solids type methods are usually faster and kind of easier to use because they incorporate several kinds of "low level" tools applied in a bundle, but if they can't do the proper job in a particular case then it is good to be able to fall back on some of the individual "low level" type tools.

- Michael